SloWUG srečanje s Scott Schnollom - 3.12.2018

Naslednje SloWUG srečanje bo v ponedeljek 3.12.2018 ob 17 uri. 

Srečanje bo na običajni lokaciji – Microsoft Slovenija – Ameriška ulica 8, Ljubljana v 8 nadstropju..

Predavatelj Scott Schnoll 

Protecting customer data in Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft goes to great lengths to protect customer data in Office 365. This presentation provides details on the variety of controls and processes that protect customer data, such as physical and logical isolation, multiple levels of encryption, Lockbox and Customer Lockbox, and more. We’ll cover all the ways in which we process customer data in Office 365 and the Microsoft and customer-managed features that are and can be used to provide additional data protection.


Scott Schnoll

Scott Schnoll is a Senior Program Manager on the Office 365 Trust Team at Microsoft, where he works on building trust with customers through transparency initiatives, and on making it easier for customers to perform risk assessments of Microsoft cloud services. Scott is a frequent speaker at Microsoft and other industry conferences. Before joining Microsoft, Scott wrote Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Distilled (Addison-Wesley, 2004) and was the lead author of Exchange 2000 Server: The Complete Reference (Osborne McGraw-Hill, 2001). Scott is a former long-time Microsoft MVP for Exchange Server, Windows, and Rights Management Services. Follow Scott on Twitter @schnoll and check out his blog at


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